Saturday, August 25, 2012

Kamyar & Samira's Pasadena wedding!

Last weekend, my husband and I flew to Los Angeles, California for my cousin's wedding at the Athenaeum in Pasadena. Flying to Los Angeles to be with my cousins is always fun with or without a wedding, but it's even more fun when there is a wedding involved. This wedding was particularly exciting for us because we are going to be neighbors in Palo Alto next summer!!

At weddings, I often stalk the couple through my lens for a while to try and capture a few moments of pure happiness. At Kamyar & Samira's wedding, I basically captured one of those moments every time I looked at them :) 

Congratulations!! As a related side note, I fully expect this picture of the four of us framed in your future home :)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cabot Family Portraits

It's always fun for me to look back on old family portraits and see how they have changed over the years. What is great about this set of portraits is that I did another set for them last year (See pics here) and they've already added another member to their family!

Big brother

 Looking forward to their next set of portraits. Not sure how many new additions they will have by then!