Saturday, December 1, 2012

Amy & Roger's Houston Wedding at Live Oak Friends Meeting

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of shooting Amy & Roger's small wedding at Live Oak Friends Meeting, a new venue for me! When I looked up information about the venue beforehand, I loved the concept of circular seating beneath and open sky. In person, it was even more beautiful, especially with the side lighting that emulated the glow of a sunset. I loved Amy's non-traditional navy blue dress and was also very impressed to find out that she put together all of her centerpieces and gift boxes herself :) Congratulations Amy & Roger! Wishing you a lifetime of happiness. 




Sunday, September 23, 2012

Josh & Victoria's Hermann Park Engagement Pictures!

I love engagement sessions because it's such a laid back and intimate way of getting to know a couple. Yesterday, I had my engagement session with Josh & Victoria close to sunset at Hermann Park. We were originally supposed to meet last week, but ended up changing the date because of the rain, and I'm so glad we did! Yesterday's weather was absolutely beautiful. Here are a few pictures from our session, starting with my favorite!



If you are interested in engagement photos or just some updated photos of you and your significant other, please contact me directly at

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ariana's Baby Portraits in Hermann Park!

Yesterday, I met baby Ariana and followed her around on a walk through Hermann Park. Instead of making her sit in one spot and posing for pictures, we set her loose on a dirt path and let her do whatever she wanted while I watched from my lens. I watched her discover the texture of dirt in her hands, run unrestricted down a path, and end up with hugs and play time with mommy :) Here are a few pictures from our shoot!

 When the thumb goes in the mouth, the photo shoot is officially over :)

If you are interested in setting up a portrait session for your child, please contact me at!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Kamyar & Samira's Pasadena wedding!

Last weekend, my husband and I flew to Los Angeles, California for my cousin's wedding at the Athenaeum in Pasadena. Flying to Los Angeles to be with my cousins is always fun with or without a wedding, but it's even more fun when there is a wedding involved. This wedding was particularly exciting for us because we are going to be neighbors in Palo Alto next summer!!

At weddings, I often stalk the couple through my lens for a while to try and capture a few moments of pure happiness. At Kamyar & Samira's wedding, I basically captured one of those moments every time I looked at them :) 

Congratulations!! As a related side note, I fully expect this picture of the four of us framed in your future home :)