Saturday, May 19, 2012

Kamyar & Natalia's Baha'i Wedding in Tampa!

I was a guest at Natalia & Kamyar's Persian Baha'i wedding at the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay hotel, but I still got a lot of great shots at their wedding. I'm afraid I'm slowly becoming "that relative" at weddings that takes as many photos as the hired photographer. To be fair, I try to stay completely out of the way, but I still enjoy taking pictures. At most weddings, I'm able to capture the few random moments that the bride and groom share together when they think no one is looking. With Kamyar & Natalia, I caught dozens of these moments because they smiled at each other the entire time, as if no one else was there. I have always known Natalia to be one of my sweetest and warmest cousins, and I am so happy that she found someone that is equally warm and sweet. It's also an added bonus that he shares the same sense of humor as our family. He'll fit right in :)



 Here are two of MANY random cute moments caught from a distance :)


 For wedding coverage rates and availability, please contact me at

Monday, May 14, 2012

Adeeb & Anahita | Engagement Portraits

This set of engagement pictures is definitely one of my favorites! As you've probably seen by now, I love creative couples that are open to anything. As an engagement gift, I offered to take some engagement photos for my brother-in-law and his future wife, but it was pouring rain on the day of the shoot. I suggested doing their engagement pictures in Target and, since they had some things to pick up from Target anyway, they were both up for it. I normally like to make half my photos black and white, but I decided not to do that for these photos, for obvious reasons!

This next picture is funny because we were very careful about avoiding Target employees, and when we finally ran into one, he asked to be in one of the pictures!

 Looking forward to their wedding in June!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Adrian & Aria | Engaged!

Since most couples ask me to choose the venue for their engagement portraits, I am always excited when couples choose their own location for portraits. For me, it's new and exciting, and for the couple, it's something personal. Aria chose to do their engagements in City Centre because it was a place that they liked to hangout. Being fairly new to Houston, I had never been there before, but was a great spot full of life and color! There was a concert going on right in the middle, but we were able to get pictures in fun spots around the concert. I love all the colors and textures in their pictures!